About Us

Triple Chick Farm, bordered by the confluence of Kitteredge Brook and Babson Creek, consists of seven open acres with two and a half acres in row crop production. The farm is family-owned (by the Rogers family) and family-run (by the Perkins family). Both families have strong ties to the Mount Desert Island area and care deeply about land stewardship, food security, and the healing power of a meal.

Meet the Farm Owners: The Rogers Family

Amy and Hartley Rogers purchased the farm in 2010 and have remained committed to maintaining the property as a working farm producing the highest quality produce sustainably and without the use of harmful chemicals. As grateful members of the summer community, the Rogers family hopes to promote local commerce and protect the unique character of MDI. Amy and Hartley are parents to three daughters who grew up on the farm, and after whom the farm is named. They’re excited that Triple Chick will be home to two other young “chicks,” Anna and Adam’s daughters.

The farm owners’ three children & farm namesake.

Meeting in Peace Corps Nepal in 2015, Anna and Adam Perkins started co-managing the farm in the fall of 2021. Anna started farming in the Blue Hill peninsula area - first as a MOFGA apprentice in 2011. Adam grew up on a dairy turned tree farm in Bradford County, PA. They are happy to be establishing a home alongside their children in the MDI community.

They love their work as farmers: the sense of place, the joy of sharing food, the daily physical and mental fulfillment, and nourishing a community.

Meet the Farm Managers: The Perkins Family

Anna and Adam Perkins trellising early cucumbers.

Along with a year-round team of farmers, we are growing and adapting the farm to provide vegetables accessible year-round and flowers spring thru fall.